Offices and Officers

  1. The International President
    The International President is the Presiding Apostolic Elder of the IFAFM.  He presides over all the meetings of the International Apostolic Council comprising all of the International Directors. The International President and the International Directors form the International Apostolic Council. Together with the International Apostolic Council, He is charged with the overall running of the Fellowship globally.
  2. The International Directors
    The International Director is the Presiding Apostolic Elder of a particular continent of the world.  Each continent has only one International Director who is directly responsible to the International President and the International Apostolic Council for directives and functions.  He represents the International President and together with the International Apostolic Council oversees the entire functioning of IFAFM in the regions and countries under his supervision. Together with the International Apostolic Council, he appoints the Regional Directors.

    The Continents are:
    North America
    South America

  3. The international apostolic council
    The International Apostolic Council comprises of the following:

    1. The International President
    2. International Directors / International Apostolic Council Secretary
    3. It is charged with the responsibility through the president, of the overall organization of the Fellowship, to oversee the entire functioning of the IFAFM in line with its set goals and objectives. The International Apostolic Council will appoint a Central Working Committee comprising of seven members, which prepares the annual budget of the entire organization and ensures that approved policies are implemented.  This includes disciplinary measures on members (i.e. suspension and/or dismissal from Fellowship) in accordance with the administrative guidelines of IFAFM.

      The Central Working Committee meets at least three times in a year and at other times as the International Apostolic Council finds it necessary, to carry out directives and supervise the activities of  IFAFM.


  1. The Apostolic council Secretary
    The Apostolic Council Secretary is the Executive Secretary of IFAFM who is charged with the Administrative Co-ordination of the activities of the Fellowship.  He keeps all minutes and procedures of the International Apostolic Council.  He is responsible for information dissemination to all International Directors, Regional Directors, National Directors and Zonal Chairmen.
  2. The Regional Directors
    The Regional Directors are chosen and appointed by the International President together with the consensus of the International Apostolic Council. Their work is to coordinate and supervise the activities of IFAFM in a given region which is made up of some countries (i.e. the sub-region of a continent). Together with their Regional Apostolic Councils, they appoint the National Directors. They receive reports from the National Directors of their region and report directly to the International Director of his continent.
  3. National Directors or Presiding Apostles
    The National Directors or Presiding Apostles are appointed by the Regional Directors in consensus with their respective Regional Apostolic Councils.

    They have the responsibility together with their National Apostolic Council (comprising of mainly Apostles, Prophets and other five-fold ministers) of organizing and coordinating Fellowship activities in their various country of assignment.  They are also responsible for the co-ordination of Conferences and National Conventions.  They are responsible to their respective Regional Director.

  4. Zonal (or state) Chairman
    They oversee the activities of various Zones of their assignment.  They form the working committee with whom the National Directors work with.  They are responsible to their National Directors.
  5. The Chapter (district) Chairman
    The Chapter Chairman organizes, coordinates and presides over the meeting of the chapter which comprises of at least ten persons.  He reports directly to the Zonal or State Chairman.


In order to achieve our set goals and objectives, IFAFM is administered departmentally.  Each department exists both as a unit and an integral of the entire set up.  The departments are:

  1. Administration
  2. Ministerial
  3. Outreach
  4. Development
  5. Education
  6. Support Services
  7. Media
  8. Information and Logistics
  9. Business
  10. Works and Technical Services.

Further information regarding the functions and operations of any of these departments can be obtained from any of our offices.